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Carpe diem

Inspired by James's last post found here.

You only get a once in a lifetime chance...once in a lifetime. You only make a once in a lifetime friend...once in a lifetime.  You've heard it all before, I'm sure.  What are some things YOU have only done once in a lifetime?  Like James, I've got a bunch of those...because my parents are awesome, and taught me from the day I was born that my backyard is not the center of the world.  We traveled.  We drove everywhere we went, so we saw more that way.  That sense of adventure has not left me.  Perhaps that is why it does not scare me to be half a world away from my family in Brazil.  Perhaps that is why I've been to Alaska, every province in Canada, Death Valley California, 30-something states, 9 different countries, etc. Perhaps that is why I do what may seem like crazy things sometimes.

I believe in carpe diem.  Seize that day!  You never know when you'll get to do something again, and you will never live the same day twice.  Live every moment in the present, and enjoy life, even the bumps in the road.  Some of my favorite fun-filled days are the ones where I got next to no sleep, had adventures with family and friends, and had far too much to write about in my journal afterwards.  Sometimes we didn't even go anywhere on those days.  Like the day Tiff and I played soccer in the kitchen and broke the table found here.  Or when Mel and Carolee and Steven and Michael and I made a movie found here.  Or when Michael tried out his ninja skills and [failed!] found here.

Then there were times where I seized the day elsewhere.  On my 20th birthday, some of my friends and I partied all day.  By "partied", I mean that we did 20 things I'd never done before!  It was probably the best birthday I've had, and it included going to the top of the SWKT, getting sung to at Denny's at about 1am, and going Jewish dancing.  Another time, I went to a Vocal Point Concert, and they sang to me on stage.  Once, in Idaho, we drove completely the wrong way...but it was okay, because I was with friends!  Another time, I pulled an first ever, and it wasn't til second semester of sophomore year in college!  One time, I went cow-tipping in Austria.  And another time I went to the top of the Eiffel Tower.

So many good many part of my life that have only happened once.  Even every day things only happen once.  I work almost every day, and one day last week was unique, and one of the best I've had!  I talk to my friends on the phone lots, but some conversations are more memorable than others.  Today is Fast Sunday, and is the last one I get to go to in HP until after the mish.  No two days are ever exactly alike.  Seize the day, life for the present, and enjoy life!  Create lots of once in a lifetime moments!


  1. Wonderful post, Karen. You and James are my inspiration! Thanks so much for posting this. Along with James' post, it made me reflect and post a blog, too.


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