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Showing posts from September, 2009

Mission Papers

So this is more of a public service announcement than anything of today, the waiting begins! My mission papers are done, and I'm just waiting now for the call to come in the mail! Two weeks at least, and I'm hoping that'll be it! WOOHOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I need to keep wicked busy until then or I might just go crazy!!!!!!!

10 Things I love about Hannaford

So originally I was going to do this in sarcasm...but then decided that I could actually come up with 10 things (in no specific order) I like about my job. Even though being a cashier at a grocery store is not ideal, it's a job, and...well, you'll see. 1. Going on break with my dad sometimes. Because, you know, we work in the same store. It's pretty cool. 2. I love the people I work with soooooo much! Mainly the ones during the day, because I don't know any of the high school kids that work evenings, because I rarely work evenings. 3. Being the "party animal". nuff said. 4. Watching a cashier ID someone for alcohol, and him telling us that he doesn't even have a photo ID since his license was taken away for DWI. Yeah, maybe he should rethink his purchase... 5. Now when I hear the name of a vegetable, I automatically think of its PLU. Dates: 3047. Cabbage: 4069. Bananas: 4011. Tree Ripe Peaches: 4044. Eastern Peaches: 4403. Nectarines: 4378.

BYU 14, Oklahoma 13

So I think it took until this weekend to really feel that I wasn't in Utah. At BYU. Last night (night, my time....afternoon BYU time) was the first football game of the season. We don't have cable, so that made it REALLY difficult to watch the game. Fortunately, by the time the middle of the 3rd quarter rolled around, I found on ESPN's website a place where you can watch the plays. Live. So you get the score and the plays, but nothing else. No band, no crowd, not even the commercials. No players, no insane BYU fans painted blue, and no coaches. Just the plays. But I took it, seeing as it was all I could get. I was texting Brianne the entire time I was watching, and I was going CRAZY. I was on the edge of my seat....and when we got a touchdown, I still jumped up and down and screamed. It was almost like I was there...oh wait, no it wasn't. I went crazy when we won! What a game. What a stressful, intense, game. And here I am, in little Nashua NH. So yup

It's all in the perspective...

Today as I was driving to Litchfield, listening to country music and enjoying the trees that NH is so blessed to have, there was a biker biking on the side of the road. As I gave him some room and drove around him, I noticed in my rearview mirror how incredibly far the drivers were from the biker, and yet they still moved over to give him room. This got me thinking about perspective. From my standpoint as a driver, had I stayed in my lane 100%, it looked like I would have hit him with my mirror. As I watched the van in the rearview, the vehicle was several feet from the biker. When I'vebeen out biking and cars dodge me, I notice how far away from me they are. And then I got thinking about perspective in life. The biker, the driver, and a bystander all have different perspectives in this situation. In life, we all have different perspectives. Something I often hear is that we all think we have the biggest problems. I've learned over the years that as we serve others and

Once in a while, I stop laughing

Happy September! I can hardly believe that just about all the local schools here have begun, and BYU began its semester yesterday. And yet, I went to bed at 9:30 last night in order to wake up at 4 and be at work at 5 this morning. And I'm still in Nashua. I'm trying to keep busy, but sometimes I just feel lazy. My day so far has been pretty uneventful. I had a good time at work this morning. Although cashiering is not my ideal job, I absolutely LOVE the people I get to work with. They're great. After work, Mel picked me up and we ran a few errands. We also spent some time at the cemetary. It was nice to take the time to reflect and ponder, and not feel like I was wasting time. Then after that, on the way home, I decided to make a short list of why Melanie cracks me up, with specific incidents. There are only 4 on this list today, but enjoy! :) This is why I'm relatively sane and why I laugh so much! 1. Cruise control. Right after Mel got her license, w