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Happy birthday Tiff Tiff!

So there's no more classes. Only finals left. I'm keeping busy doing things, whether school-related or not, but it's still weird. Last night I was sitting here putting together some videos and such that Tiff and I have done all year, and it finally hit me that...I'm done class for two years here. It's a weird feeling, and I don't know how to describe it really...bittersweet isn't quite the word. Because I'm leaving so soon, I've been feeling a bit melancholy's so weird. And it's hard when people keep telling me to come back in the fall. I don't know...I've had a LOT on my mind lately, and I still feel like I'm doing the right thing. So I've been trying to keep busy and not think too much about it... I've tied up a lot of loose ends, both with people and with projects, in the past couple days.

But on to happier stuff. Today we are celebrating Tiff's birthday! We're making a duckie cake, and duckie cookies, and having a small fiesta this afternoon. The day started off with a bang though... last night, Rachelle and I went to Smartcookie, just across the street, and on our way back, while it was POURING, and some guys were just getting to their house, which is next door to our apartment. They told us to come join them and dance with them in the rain, no umbrellas! I told them I would, but I was going to go home and change first. Rachelle had a test to take online, so she didn't come. But I did return a few minutes later, and they were in shock, because they'd been taking bets on whether or not I'd really come back. That was at about 10:30. We kept trying to get people walking and driving by to come dance with us, but they wouldn't. Some people did come, and our group got to be a decent size for a while. Tiff came home from grocery shopping and drove by us, so then she came and joined us too. It was awesome, dancing in the rain, and just being goofy with people I'd never met before this! We danced until just after midnight, when we began celebrating Tiff's birthday, and this other girl, Lauren, who was there as well.

If you go on youtube, search for "epic soccer", and click on the third one down, it's a funny video. :) OOH! And this morning, I read "Make Way for Ducklings" to Tiff and James. It was great, and now I can't wait to read all my other Robert McClusky books back home!

Okay, I'll be sure to post pictures from today's events later. But for now...


  1. ha ha ha! We have great adventures!! dancing in the rain! making amazing videos! yay! we rock. with exclamation points!!!!

  2. Okay, this sounds like an interesting day! Fun, too.


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