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So once again I am blogging from somewhere new.  Well, it's not really new to me...this is somewhere I've been far too many times, but I've never blogged from here!  I'm in the Salt Lake airport, heading home for Christmas! And the best part...I get almost  MONTH at home with my parents! I even get to spend my birthday with them!

So, finals are behind me, stress is behind me, and now it's time to relax.  I'm on freedom time right now, and can do whatever I want!  I've got a list of miscellaneous things I want to do while at home, people I want to see, projects to finish with Mom, walls to paint with Pops, movies to watch, books to read, and obviously probably the biggest chunk of my time: lots of Skype time with Renato!  It'll be nice to just relax.  This last semester was all kinda of crazy with all kinda of stress in unexpected places and times.  Surprisingly, it wasn't even all about school.  It was a lot of learning that as much as I plan something, it's likely that that plan will change when I least expect or want it to.  So then I just rewind a little, think about new options, and make new plans.  And it stays in that cycle.  I can't NOT plan my life...I go crazy if I do that, because I need to know some things about my future.  Like when I'm going to graduate.  Or when I'm going to see Renato.  Or where I'm going to live.  Or how to fulfill my calling.  Or what classes to take and when to take them.  And funny part is, after my plans have changed about 34908354 times, I finally think I have an idea of how things are going to go...then they change AGAIN!  So hey, I'll just keep making my plans and trying to go with the flow!  At least now I can say I have more answers than I did just a couple weeks ago, so that's nice.  So you NH people might see me around a bit more in the upcoming future ;)

I'm just glad I made it through this semester.  Know what that means?  Halfway done the wait time til I see Renato!  Yeah, I know, I say a lot about him...but he IS kind of a big part of my life!

Well here are just some fun things that have happened lately....

I'm really gonna miss Carli next semester...she'll be in London. :(  Yay for her, sad for me, haha!!

CTM district reunion!  Fun to see most of them and catch up a bit and all the "remember whens" that come from mission reunions!

Roommate pictures!  I love them. :)


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