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Whenever one door closes...

Actually, I've realized that I don't need a door to close for another to open.  In my last post, I talked about uncertainties.  I got home from the mission uncertain of EVERYTHING in my life..I didn't even know if I would be coming back to BYU this semester or not.  And in the short time that has lapsed since that unforgettable day of September 15 2011, I've seen the Lord opening so many doors to me.  Possibilities are coming out of the woodwork, and the Lord is helping me really do what I want to do with my life....I don't have a full vision of exactly what that is, but each day, a new door opens and I get a new possibility!!!!

Today, for example, several BIG doors opened to doors.  I've got some big decisions to make here and a short time to make them....I have a ton of "what if" moments, doubts, questions, concerns, everything you can imagine.  But in order to make these decisions, I need to pray to the Lord, trusting 100% in Him and His answer, and that is exactly what I plan on doing.  Sometimes I am afraid of what He will say, that it will not be in line with MY will...but that's when I need to stop, think, and align my will with HIS, for He is the all-knowing Being who knows best for my life and cares more for me than anyone else.

So yeah...lots of doors opening, and so far, none closing, though that could change relatively soon, depending on how I make these decisions!!!!! :)


  1. Usually the Lord doesn't close doors on us. We tend to close them on ourselves, often knowing we cannot open them again.


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