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You Know You're Tired When You Dream About Sleeping!

So. Here's the news that's a week old now, but you don't know yet....I was not transferred! QUE BÊNÇÃO!!!!!!! I love this area and did not want to be transferred, but as I mentioned, I did need a change and was prepared for whatever the Lord had in store for me. So, now I'm here in Vista Verde with Sister Gubler. She's from Las Vegas...yeah, it's a surprise that President put two Americans together (of the 17 Sisters in the mish, only 6 are Americans), but I'm super stoked about it. We are working super hard, walking way more than last transfer, and my comp is awesome. I love her so much! We have a ton of fun together, but we also work hard together. She's got 5 months left in the mish, but is still just as motivated as anyone at the beginning. So we are working hard. My body is aching, but it feels SO GOOD to be working hard again! So so good. so expect some blessings, cuz I have complete faith in the promise that the Lord blesses the families of the missionaries. This is a fact.
Other things of note. this week was crazy. We were trying to decide on a specific area, so that meant a lot of walking, which lost a lot of time. But it's worth it, cuz now we know where we will work. And our ward is excited again to have a new sister, though for some the switch has been difficult. Anyway, we found a bunch of less actives that we visited and talked with, and I have hopes for them to return, though I can only do so much. There are some things I hear (okay, a lot of things) that I wil never understand. I go crazy. well not crazy....bah, forget it. haha. But sometimes, some of the excuses we hear are pretty funny. Yes, I am keeping a list of them!

This week, it ended up that we talked a LOT about prophets! With members, with less actives, with investigators, with people in the street. Then I remembered that we have general conference in a couple weeks...I am so stoked!!!!! We are so blessed to have a living prophet, and to have the opportunity to hear from him frequently. I can't imagine living during the apostasy....a time of darkness, without direction, without any sort of guidance. We are so blessed to be living here and now.
Other things of note this week. Friday, September 10, marked 10 years since my baptism. And we celebrated with pizza, and pão de queijo. And it was great. I think it's pretty cool that I celebrated 10 years of being a member of the church on my mission!!! Last night, we made crumb cake. This is why I'm getting fat.

Here's a cool story. on....I think thursday....we were looking for a member on the member list, who is inactive. We showed up at his house, but he was not there. The lady who lives behind him, Jil, came out to tell us he was working or something, so we introduced ourselves to her, and then SHE asked US if we wanted to come in and talk to her! So we did. We taught her the first lesson, and during it, we talked a lot about a change of heart. because she told us she's been searching for something more. She wants this change of heart, and feels like she is really missing something in her life. So we are going to work with her. But she was such a blessing in our week!
Another quick story. I talked with some women at a bus stop earlier this week, and noted their addresses, and said I'd pass it on to the Elders who have her neighborhood in their area (cuz she lives out of our area). She was with her mother-in-law, but the mother in law didn't want to give us her address. the end, on Sunday, we were walking to lunch, and ran into the mother-in-law, and she asked us if we'd passed on the address yet, and I said no, cuz I honestly just forgot. So I called our District Leader that afternoon and gave him the address and I'm hoping something will come of that. But it was cool, cuz when she asked me if I remembered her, I had no idea who she was...until she started talking about her daughter-in-law. Haha.
So, funny story for the week. saturday night, I put our hammock in the laundry machine. Our laundry machine is outside of our house, under a little roof. I checked on it when I went to bed, and it still had some time, so I figured I'd just hang it in the morning on Sunday. Sunday morning, when we left to go to church, we looked in the direction of the machine, and there was water EVERYWHERE....there was water spurting out of the faucet. I ran and turned that off, and saw that our transformer (maybe converter....who knows the names of these things in english) was sitting in a huge pool of water in the sink. Uh i unplugged it, turned off the water, and then saw that the laundry machine was turned around, with the front facing the wall...i have NO IDEA what happened! In the end, we dumped the water out of our transformer, and set it in the sun to dry...maybe not the best idea, but what else would we do?! It wasn't even ours; it belongs to our neighbr. Anyway, last night, we summed up the courage to try and plug in our formerly soaking wet electrical device....and try again. i was afraid that we had fried our laundry machine, which would be REALLY bad, since it's basically brand new. In the end, it worked just fine! Without any problem! Miracles happen. :)

So...have a great week everyone! Also, my English sucks, and writing this email was incredibly difficult. HOORAY!

I love you!!!!!

Karen/Sister Ogden


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