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Good Thing the First Word of Portuguese I Learned was "Encandor"

Wow, this week was excellent! I don't even have a ton of time to write about everything I wanted to...but I'll do my best to squeeze in as much as possible right now in the short minutes I have! Our LMA (ward mission leader) is awesome, and he knocked some doors, made contacts, and set up some appointments for us in our specific area, which was awesome. We visited one of them yesterday, and she is fantastic. I have a lot of hope for her and her husband. And also, yesterday, someone showed up at Church that I have not seen or talked to for about a month. Pedro is someone I found knocking doors with Sister Sodré...about a month and a half ago. In the end, nothing happened with him...until he randomly showed up in church yesterday! That was such a blessing, and a miracle! I was so happy to see him there! All our investigators who were supposed to go to church yesterday bailed, probably because it was raining, but Pedro showed up, and also Lucas, who appeared out of nowhere. Too bad (for us) that he belongs to the ward of our District Leader! Normal...haha. This week, we taught a TON of lessons, exceeding the standard of excellence, which felt really good. we taught so many lessons with members that we were struggling to reach the standard for lessons without members! We had divisions, and we walked with a bunch of the irmãs so that we could teach. yesterday afternoon, we taught with a fairly recent convert, and she is powerful! It was good to teach with her. Also this week, we found another young man, William, who is awesome. He prayed when we invited him to, believes everything we have taught, and wants to go to church. Unfortunately, he works every day except one day per month. So we're going to try to get him to conference next weekend, since he gets home from work about 4pm, and conference starts at 5. :) WOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Other things..........I have seen so many miracles and blessings that come from doing our part and really trying to get better each day. The Lord knows us, and knows when we are doing our best and putting Him and His work first in our lives. It shows in everything we do.
Other things of note. I have had a bunch of weird dreams lately, which have bugged me. But I guess that's normal for me. But it was weirder than normal. Some were realistic. AND.....about people at home. Like Michael and Steven. Also, Mel got married this weekend. That's weird...hahaha, but awesome. And I have heard a bunch of Josh Groban lately, which makes me happy, though I miss playing the piano! My comp and I are planning a fireside in our ward, with President, and we want to make it a musical fireside. We have a goal of 100 references from members in a month, and if we reach that, we'll have the fireside. We just need bishop's approval...and we both need to stay here for the next treansfer! But it would be so sweet!!!

More other things of note....a bunch of our lunches fell through this week. So we ate at home a bunch. Did I ever tell you that I made beans, and made them well? WOOOHOOO!!! I'm learning!!! Oh, and our broken toilet will be replaced, FINALLY, tomorrow evening. BLESSINGS!!!! Haha. And.....other things......oh! We had a bunch of creatures visit our house this week! You can now call me the pro-cockroach-killer. And we had a lizard in our kitchen...gecko. And we found a dead bird in front of our house. And yesterday before church, a bird flew into our house and was flying around. What can I say, Im snow white or something. Hah. But it's all good. You get used to this stuff. Shiver.
In other week I'll write this email before 15 minutes before I need to go, and there will be more! My comp and I are reading the New Testament these days, and it's pretty awesome. I love the scriptures so much! I know I say that like every week, but its the truth. I have a set time to study every day, and what a blessing it is. Smetimes I feel like I am learning and changing a lot, and other times I don't think I am. I think its harder to see the changes in yourself than someone on the outside looking in. Boa sorte. You will all probably see changes. But who knows. At least I hope so. Also, next week marks 7 months in the mish. Already. Time is flying by!! FLYING!!
Gotta run now. About 4 minutes left. I love you all so much. Thanks for the continued support. I know my english is getting worse each day, but just deal with it. Usually (but not always) it means my Portuguese is getting better. No one corrects me in portuguese unless I ask them to, and now I have some people I have asked to help me. Thank goodness. :) I love this language!!!


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