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Yesterday in Relief Society we Sang "Ye Elders of Israel."

Oi queridos!

Funny story. I was writing a letter last night, in English, but everything I wanted to say sounded better in Portuguese. So the letter ended up sounding ridiculous. Haha. Oh well. Just give me a few minutes to get used to English again, and maybe this email will make some sense. :)

Okay so NOW my quick overview. We taught a bunch of lessons, invited a ton of people to be baptized, walked even more than not, and slept a little. Oh and ate a ton cuz that's what we do. :) Monday, we had FHE with José, who is a member of the church, but his family is not. We taught his wife the first lesson, even though she had no interest, and invited her to pray about it. We've followed up with her a bunch of times, and though she says she's prayed, she also says she's felt nothing. This is why we need to pray with faith, and really want to know the truth and receive answers. She's a good woman; I hope some day her heart softens and she sees the truth that is literally sitting in her home. Tuesday we taught Cristina again, and invited her to be baptized this coming weekend. She's a challenge, but she's starting to act on her faith now and pray for answers, though still feels like she needs to know everything before she can take the plunge. Wednesday, we visited some inactive members, and it made me so sad to see how leaving the church, you literally create for yourself a sort of hell- misery more than if you'd never found the church in the first place. Thursday we had splits, so I was in Monumento with Sister Petersen, and it was pretty good. Someone asked me if I was Italian! Hahaha. Friday, we finally taught Sonia, who showed up at church a couple weeks ago. We found out her story, and she has deep roots in another church, though they basically expelled her when she and her husband separated. So now she is looking for the truth. She is really intelligent and has a ton of questions...I love this. It shows me that people are really thinking about the message and taking it to heart, more than just nodding and smiling while we talk about something that is so important. Saturday was a wonderful day. A few lessons, but they were long lessons with more people who had a ton of questions. Dora and Marcos are Catholic and were asking about baptism, and my having been Catholic and having attended Catholic schools for 13 years is starting to come in handy! Eliane and Felipe are ust awesome. Eliane was confirmed yesterday, and just beamed afterwards. It is amazing to see people changing their lives through the gospel. On the other hand, we met a crazy man who sent us to hell with Joseph was pretty funny, but as I thought about it, it was really sad. Satan has a grasp on this guy that would take a long time to be freed. And it showed in his eyes. I've heard the phrase that a person's eyes are a window to their soul, and it some cases, this is completely true. It makes me so sad to see people who are so far off the path and have been so blinded by lies and deception that they don't recognize truth when it is staring them in the face.
As for other things. I've been here in the field for a little over two months now, and have 4 months of the mission under my belt. And I have learned a lot of things in only a short amount of time. So here goes my list of things for y'all, though it's not comprehensive. First of all, there is power in the Book of Mormon and our testimonies. This is where people feel the Spirit. I've seen people's heart soften as they read the Book of Mormon. I've seen people cry as they hear the story of the First Vision. And I've seen happiness in people's eyes as I've born testimony of the truth of the restored gospel.
I've also learned that you can't negate answers you receive from the Lord. Doing this, you deny God, in a sense, because He answers prayers. There's a scripture that speaks very powerfully of this, in 3 Nephi 28:34-35. You have to act on the answers you receive, no matter how much it requires you to do. Because answers are blessings, and acting on them brings miracles and blessings in ways we can't imagine.
We need to have faith in ourselves, and in others. If we want to change, we need to have faith that we can do it with the Lord's help. And we need to have faith in others. Teaching people without having faith in them is fruitless. And teaching people who want to change, but their own family doesn't even have faith in them, is very difficult. We need to support the righteous desires and changes of our family. This will bring more love and unity to our homes.

The family is SO IMPORTANT. There is a reason it is the central unit of society and of the Lord's plan. Through family scripture study, prayer, and FHE, we build strong bonds within our families that cannot be broken as we continue to do these things. Even if one person doesn't want to participate, we need to do this. Because this is the foundation of te gospel in our homes. I've seen families torn apart through not doing these simple things, and it is heart-wrenching to see discord in a home that once knew love and unity.
Our examples are so important. You never know who is watching you and who is benefitting from your goodness and your knowledge of the gospel. Last week after Eliane's baptism, we were talking with Junior. He's a member, but has been less active, and it just now starting to return, as of about a month ago. He thanked us for being here in Brazil, and told us that because of us, he is returning to church. because of something we said, a thought we shared, in his home at lunch several weeks ago, he is returning. And this happens with people who are not missionaries too. It is amazing to be a part of this great work of the Lord. Our lives are all connected. It is amazing to see how the Lord uses people to help other people.
I have also learned that all I am as a missionary is a tool in the hands of the Master. I speak what and when He wants me to speak. I carry His message to the people here, but I have no converting power. This comes from the Spirit, and from my work to invite this Spirit into my life, and into lessons we teach. We always need to follow this Spirit, because without it, we have no way to live. It is powerful, and can literally save our lives...physically and spiritually.
Speaking of changing hearts...Mosiah 5:2 talks about a mighty change of heart that the people of King Benjamin had. This mighty change of heart is not just in the is in our body completely. When we have a mighty change of heart and draw nearer to the Savior, it affects our thoughts, our actions, our words, and the feelings of our heart. And we need to keep this mighty change through continually doing what we know will keep us on the strait and narrow path to Salvation.
I have learned about true love. I have learned to love this people, even in their and my weaknesses. I love the people who mock us, and mourn that they are blinded by the foolishness and craftiness of men. I love the people who truly come unto Christ through the goispel and the church. i love this people with my whole heart, in ways I can't even express. This place has become home for me. My ward here in Vila Industrial is my home for the time being.
And finally, I have learned that even the impossible is possible. I am here in Brazil, speaking Portuguese, understanding people, and watching as people change their lives, their dispositions, their that they can know and love our Savior Jesus Christ. And because of Him, nothing is impossible. We are never alone, even in our loneliest times. He always has His arm outstretched to us, wanting us to take hold and walk with him through the passes of life.

Well, continue doing what we know is right. Continue with your faith, and continue building it even more.


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