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Eu Amo Meloncia!

(NOTE:  Received on 3/30/2010)

Hello family!
Well, this week I did something different.  I kept a list in my agenda of things to write to y'all about, instead of just writing one on the bus on the way back from the Temple, and it is LONG!  But most of the things are just things to mention, not really to talk about.  So let me start with that!

Choir last Tuesday was awesome...I played the piano of course, and the choir sang "Scripture Power".  Remember in primary when we would lift our scriptures up during the chorus?  Yeah, guess what 100 missionaries did during choir!  It was hilarious and so awesome.  We have so much fun here!

Soccer here is intense.  Our teacher, Irmão Mendes, has the radio on his cell phone.  One day in class, he pulled it out, turned it on, and we listened for a few seconds to a soccer game.  Long enough to hear "GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!"   And they love fireworks.  All.  the.  Time.  10pm or 7am...doesn't make much of a difference for them!  And the other night, there was a soccer game between two of the four Sao Paulo teams, and you could definitely hear the result of it in the streets at about 10:30!   Oh, back to Irmão Mendes.  He's funny.  Anyway, I think the same day as the cell phone, we sang "We Thank Thee O God For a Prophet" at the start of class.  In the middle of class, when we were doing some stuff, Irmão Mendes just started singing it again...well, the tune.  But he changed the words....  Here, they say "Josefa Smeetchee" for Joseph Smith.  So he just kept singing that over and over, to the tune of We Thank Thee....  We about died laughing.  Then that afternoon, in class with Irmão Zamboni, our whole class just randomly started sinigng like that too.  Zamboni just looked at us like we were aliens.

So much rain and thunder lately!  Not a ton of rain, but lots of thunder!  Last night we had gym out in the rain which was pretty fun.  The outside volleyball courts have a roof, but a really leaky one, so it's almost like playing in the rain!  And the lightning was purple!  So pretty.  Funny story about last week.  We did our laundry last Tuesday night.  My comps and I usually just combine our laundry and do it all in just a few loads.  S. Christensen labeled her clothes a while back, but I have a little zippered bag that Ijust put mine in, because I'm too lazy to label them all. they are labelled...because last week in the laundry, my bag came unzipped.  And the best part of the whole thing?  S. Nielson hadn't labelled her clothes either...and we are the same exact size!  We had quite the time sorting out our clothes, all the while laughing our heads off.  :)

Quick things;  We got a TON of new sisters this week (5 Americans & 4 Brazilians), which brought the total up to 26 sisters!  Anyway, one of the Americans, Sister Ririe, was in my mission prep class like 3 years ago at BYU!  She remembered me, and then when she said that, I remembered her.  We even taught some lessons together back then!  On another note, we've been teaching solely in Portuguese lately, which is pretty exciting.  I've learned so much and grown so much in just 3 1/2 weeks.  It's only possible through the Lord.  Some of the lessons we've taught have really been last week, I was talking and didn't know where the words were coming from, but they came out my mouth!  So much is possible when we have the Spirit with us!

Today on the way to the Temple, I saw tons of trains.  TONS!  And on the way back, I saw a hubcap in the bushes and a pink truck.  On a more serious note, we took a different route to the Temple today because of insane traffic (yeah, more than usual), and we went through a dump.  Literally, houses made of scrap wood, and cardboard.  It was the worst and saddest thing I've ever seen, as far as living conditions go.  And it got me thinking about how that's realy what I'm going to see for the 16 months I'm here, outside of the MTC.  Those are the people who will probably be the most receptive to the gospel, and they are the people who I will most likely hold dearest to my heart.

Lastly, Luke 2:52.  "And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature and in favour with God and man."  We too can grow spiritually, mentally, socially, and physically.  Through the Lord, anything is possible! :)  I love you all so much!  I'm going to use my last 20 minutes here to try to send some pictures, but we'll see how that works.  I hope it works well! :)


PS... you know you're a missionary when the things you think about as you fall asleep are the lessons, in Portuguese, and how best to present them!


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