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3 days

So before I put up my usual thought of the day for the countdown, I just wanted to write a little bit about lately. I'min between wards right now, as I spoke in my home ward this morning  and I'm going to my singles ward to speak there this afternoon. I've seen a lot of people dear to me recently, because last night I had a party so I could see lots of people.  Last night was tons of fun.  Definitely a good way to end pre-mission life!  Let's just say I'm going out with a bang....hahahaha.  Anyway, I've been thinking. There are so many of you (both who read this and don't) who have touched my life.  I am the person I am because of each and every one of you. I'm so blessed to have such good examples in my life and such wonderful family. I say family, because my friends are my family.  I have extended family...everywhere.  I have such a big family, and it is wonderful!  You are all wonderful people, and while I look forward to serving in Brazil, I hope I hear from you once in a while, because I'll definitely miss you!'s thought.  Stanford Larsen.  One of my dearest childhood friends.  He wanted more than anything to serve a mission, but passed away before he was able to do so here.  He changed my life, and his example of faith and diligence is part of what made me want to serve a mission.  Like I've said before, it was kind of a process to realize this is what I wanted, but Stanford was part of that process.  He still is.  Part of me wants to do what he can't, which is to serve a mission on this earth. 


  1. I don't know if I've told you, but Ricky served his mission in Porto, Portugal, so when he found out that you were going to be speaking Portuguese he was really excited for you. He was, however, disappointed over WHICH variation of the language you would be speaking...and I quote:

    "Don't worry. You'll learn how to speak correct Portuguese first, then you can go to Brazil and learn dirty Portuguese there." -Ricky

    (He says that, but he loves speaking to the Brazilian people at SVU!)

    You'll be great. :D


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