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Happy Birfday James!

Yay today is James' birfday, and he's 22 and OLD. Good thing he's engaged. Or else I'd start to worry about him being the oldest person at BYU who isn't married! :p

Last night was a fireside with Elder Bednar. It was an awesome fireside, and his talk was so good! I watched it at the Belnaps', actually, which was enjoyable. They're like another family, kinda likethe Grays. Even though it was only Sister and Bro Belnap, it was still enjoyable. We watched the fireside together, then had ice cream. I also saw some of Carolee's wedding pictures from last summer...she looked so gorgeous! And I talked to her on the phone briefly, which was awesome, as I haven't talked to her in almost a year! ALso yesterday, I went to church in the Nashua 2nd ward, where Papa Gray is the Bishop now, and I don't know about half the ward. But hey,it's all good! It was really good to be back. And to see old friends. And make new ones. Life is good! I'm goign to camp with our ward in July, which I think will be fun.

Another thing about being home... I forgot about the adjustment it is to move! I started working at Hannaford again, the day after I got home, and they've given me a ton of hours...way more than I thoughut I'd have. So having that job is really a blessing. And I've got a couple options for work in the fall, too. THat's good. But yeah, the adjustment. At work, I keep seeing people who look like people I know from Utah. Then I realize that and get excited for a split second until I realize that they aren't, because I'm not in Provo anymore. Another thing is that I can't just drive 10 minutes out of Nashua and be in the middle of nowhere. I actually miss that. It never crossed my mind that I would, but I do. I was driving yesterday, just aroud town, and thinking about this, realizing that I miss the "wide open spaces"! I love the trees though. I guess you can't have it both ways. But it is a big adjustment this summer to driving from city to city in southern NH and Massachusetts, and not being out of a populated area. Tomorrow I'm going up to Laconia with Steven,though, and that's in the middle of nowhere. So that will be good I think. I will get to see Lake Winnepesaukee!!

Well, back to cleaning my room. And de-cat-ifying it.


  1. Funny girl. De-catifying your room, huh?

  2. ok karen, it's 10:30 pm here and I just about jumped out of my seat. The first part of your blog must be a joke, because we are like family and don't know anything about any girl in James life. I was just visiting your house Monday night and didn't smell any whiff of engagements. Please tell me it was a joke! I mean, we would be happy and all for James but we'd better find out straight from the horses mouth and not via little sista's blog!

  3. way to ruin the news for everyone!


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