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Undates, MacBeth, and Failed Tests

So Mom wanted me to write about my Saturday. Well really, it was pretty uneventful.

But in answer to a few questions... yes, I follow the Sox. I've done that for a long time...not really as much as I plan to this year, but I've supported them for years. Neil Diamond sings Sweet Caroline.

Okay, so I took my math test, and I failed with a higher grade than I would have had I not gotten help from Spencer the night before! For real...some problems I only knew how to do because we'd talked about similar problems like 15 hours before. And I slept well that night too. But I won't find out my real grade until next week. I'm expecting to be right around the average, which will be nice. Oh yeah, and we had cleaning checks on Saturday morning. So when we moved into this apartment back in September, the people before us left it pretty dirty. So we have to work hard for cleaning checks, because the people who inspect are really particular (as they should be). This time, I was in charge of our bathroom, and they wanted me to work harder to get the mold off. Well, they are coming back this afternoon (they were really nice and didn't charge me), and I spent half an hour scrubbing crap off the bathtub, and it didn't all come off! I don't know what else to do. Hopefully she'll be nice again. Because it really is better than it's been for past cleaning checks.

Saturday afternoon I went to see MacBeth here on campus. I went with Tiff and her old roommate, Jo. It was so neat, because they set it in Book of Mormon times, and drew similarities from Shakespeare to Book of Mormon events. It was really cool. They didn't change the script; just the costumes and set were changed to fit with the times. And the way the actors delivered their lines did something for the changed setting. It was an excellent performance! I love that play, and this performance did not disappoint me!

Saturday night I went country dancing. My friend Danny drove me. Originally, his girlfriend and his sister and her roommates were going to go as well, but when I got to his place, I ended up being the only one going with him. That caused some confusion among a couple girls in my class who knew that he had a girlfriend; they asked me about it, and I laughed, telling them I'd just gotten a ride from him because he lives across the street from me! But i had a ton of fun, and did some things that I haven't done in like 3 years! Flips, and sweet moves and dips and such. Plus every single thing I've learned since then. It was seriously awesome, and I want to go country dancing all the time! We also did the cowboy cha cha, which is sweet. Plus i learned two more line dances, which I really hope I don't forget, so that I can teach them to Steven and Michael. I'm trying to remember which song one of them goes to (the other one... I have no idea what song it goes to)'s a song I know well, I just can't remember it off the top of my head. We also did a really REALLY fast waltz. And by fast, I mean... I've never danced that fast before for a waltz! It was probably the speed of a cha cha!

Sunday was a lovely day! Very busy, but lovely. My visiting teachers and home teacher all came to see me before church, and then church was good. I always love fast and testimony meeting, and learning from the testimonies of my friends. RS and Priesthood were combined and we talked about what to do in an emergency here at BYU. It made me think that I'm definitely not prepared for if "the big one" (earthquake) comes while I'm here. And literally, it could happen any day. It's 150 years overdue. Meanwhile, the rocks are building up so much stress that it will be a huge earthquake when it finally comes. And the valley will drop 3 meters at the speed of sound. And basically it will be a great and terrible day.

We also had a stake fireside that night, where President and Sister Todd spoke on spiritual preparedness...specifically for an emergency (are you getting the hint? I am...). It was an excellent fireside- I always love listening to President and Sister Todd! I also saw some old friends who arae in my stake, and met a couple new ones! Hooray!

And today has been relaxing. I'm ahead on homework, so I didn't have too much to worry about today, homework-wise. But i've still got a lot to do in other areas of life. The end of the semester rush is beginning for some, but i feel really relaxed. I don't have any tests again until finals, and I enjoy finals. I'm not stuck in class learning new stuff while also cramming stuff in for the test I have to take in every single class. All I have are finals! Sweet! Unfortunately, end of the semester means I have to prepare to say goodbye to some people that I really don't want to say goodbye to. Also, organ lessons will be ending. I'm hoping I can work enough to pay for organ lessons at home over the summer. We'll see how that goes though. I need a job.


  1. We had a self-reliance, emergency preparedness class on Sunday, too. Funny how everyone is inspired to focus on the same topics at the same time.


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