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Um, for real, Management?!

Ugh and today sure was eventful. Though not all in the good way. But good things did happen, too.

So let's start with our apartment management. Or just all the problems Regency 101 has had to deal with for two entire semesters. First off, we got jipped on windows (our apartment is half under ground level, so our windows are only half as big as normal ones). Second, our apartment is crappy and dirty and always has been, and we can't fix it. Third, our water is always SO HOT that you have to jump in and out of a shower within like 5 seconds if you don't want to get scalded. And brushing your teeth with hot water? Yeah, that's painful. But we deal with it. Fourth, our couch is broken. They "fixed" it back in September when we complained, but not really. And the list goes on...but hey, at least we have a nice fridge!

So today, we were all excited because maintenance came over to fix our water! Woohoo! I should known it was too good to be true, when Rachelle texted me to tell me about it. I got home from work after 4, and some of our stuff from the back closet was in our hall, and there was evidence of working being done back there. Panels were off the wall, and you could tell someone had been there and would be back. But guess what. Now it's after midnight, and STILL no one has come back! So they turned off our hot water, so that leaves us with no hot water to wash dishes (fortunately, you CAN still do that with cold), no hot water to shower, and no hot water period. The easy solution? Turn it back on ourselves. We CAN'T. We tried everything we could. Oh and we could just take a cold shower...if we HAD cold water in the showers! But we don't, because apparently all that came to our showers was hot water! So we have no way of taking a shower in our own apartment. And we have a ward activity at 8am! And I didn't take a shower this morning because I was going to after work this afternoon. THAT didn't happen!

UGH that frustrates me so much. And other stuff happened too. Stupid vandalism...minor, but it still bugs me. And I got a letter I should just burn. It's like opening an envelope to read "sorry, but for the second time, your dreams have been crushed. Go find something else to do with your life." Monday I'm going to declare Geology as my major. Then it'll be official.

But on the bright side of the day... I came up with a great idea today! Actually a couple. I can't say much about them right now, because I need to make sure they are feesible. And now I can brush my teeth with cold water! So that's good! AND... I ran into an old friend today! Cameron Jones was a missionary in our ward like 4 1/2 years ago, and I haven't seen him since then. Or close to it. I ran into him in the BYU Bookstore today, and his face was priceless. I saw him and called out his name, and he looked up, I guess expecting to see someone he normally sees, but his face when he saw me...I can't even explain it. His jaw dropped, his eyes widened, and he looked SO SURPRISED to see me standing in front of him! It was awesome to see him again, and I wish we could have talked longer! Hopefully we'll get together for lunch sometime this month, though! And I saw Kirby at the bookstore. And I passed off some stuff in organ, and I need to find harder stuff to learn, because hymns I can learn in like a week or something. Oftentimes less time than that.

Well on that happy note, I'm going to head to bed, I think. I don't remember why I came on here. I feel better having vented about it. Maybe that's what blogs are good for.


  1. Wow. I wish I'd known about your lousy apartment service. Trust me, I would have called a long time ago to tell them to get their act together or we'd stop paying them. Wow. That's terrible.

    Sometimes blogs, like journals, are very good for venting!


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